Sunday, August 8, 2010

So... the business cards are in, and look awesome! Email us at if you'd like one mailed to you.

Filing fees are starting to be paid... just sent off the reservation of trade name, which basically reserves our name for 120 days while we file everything else. Gives us a little extra time to come up with the cash :) We're working on a logo too, which (hopefully?) should be done soon...ish

Now I'm going to go drag Dani to watch the new episode of The Pillars of the Earth... cause Rufus Sewell is HOT!

Friday, July 30, 2010

So far things seem to be shaping up pretty well. Rachel got some books from the library about small businesses & what is needed to get started. Just got word that our business cards are on their way here. Shouldn't be more than another couple of days.

Got a great deal on fabric last weekend. Rachel found a lady on Craigslist that used to make faire costumes, but wasn't going to be doing it anymore, so she was giving away a lot of fabrics. We got probably 5 or 6 good size bags full. Not sure how much of it we'll be able to use, but anything that we can salvage will be great to have.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

As you can see, we aren't quite up and running just yet. Working on it, we promise :)

In the meantime, updates will come at least three times a week from either Danielle or myself. We'll be blogging our experience in both starting and running our business, including picture and video updates on the clothes we're making.

As far as the clothing options, we will be making court dress for plus sizes, currently US sizes 16 through 24. We also make undergarments :) We're currently exploring Tudor England, but I'm sure we'll branch out eventually.

We decided to start our business over a shared frustration of the lack of court clothing for purchase available for plus sizes. Nothing against the skinny chicks, but it's all but impossible to find anything not Halloween costume vinyl for anything over a size 14! So we decided that while making our own, we'd help out everyone else who'd rather not appear as a wench... again :)